10 reasons why you should use SMS to communicate with customers

10 reasons why you should use SMS to communicate with customers

Although SMS messaging for business has been around for a while, especially on the corporate side, it hasn’t yet attained anything like broad usage. Although most businesses aren’t there yet, consumers are quite receptive to it and frequently seek SMS as a communication channel with the companies and brands they want to buy from. 

SMS messaging blasts, when a firm sends out its special, deal, or offer to a list in hopes of driving a purchase, have been the most popular messaging use case for businesses to date. This is messaging “AT” your potential clients or clients. We observe a rise in the number of clients who wish to text “WITH” your company.

Businesses should now provide two-way texting to better serve their consumers. We’ve compiled our top 10 justifications and statistical data to assist you start texting consumers if you’re on the fence or considering it.

In recent years, businesses have discovered a method to modify and optimize SMS service for usage as a service tool, which has helped SMS’s prominence as a marketing tool soar. mostly due to all of its benefits! 

SMS messaging for commercial purposes can: 

  • Improve client loyalty 
  • Increasing brand loyalty 
  • Give prompt communication 
  • Bring in more clients and boost total sales 
  • Offer a profitable return on investment 

How does the service of SMS text messaging operate? 

If a consumer chooses to use your services and gives you their mobile phone number, you may use it for marketing purposes (with their permission). 

For many programmes run through service providers, you may provide particular clients in your database keywords as well as a subset of keywords. According on items, interests, etc., these customers can also be categorised. The contacts can then decide if they want to receive specific communications from your company.

Costs are cut with text message marketing

SMS messaging can be thoroughly examined because it is digital information. Assuming you have efficiently segmented your messages, such as with service SMS, promotion texts, news-related texts, etc. Then every SMS service you send to your consumer may include: 


Such analytical information is also rather quick! enables your marketing staff to more quickly identify successful strategies, build on them, and refine messages until it is fully effective in generating the most sales opportunities and ROI. 

This kind of basic media saves a lot of time and enables a clearer evaluation of results/ROI in comparison to certain other marketing strategies like billboards, TV ads, or leaflet drops.

10 reasons to use SMS to communicate with customers

So let’s get started with our list of 10 reasons why you should start utilising SMS text messaging for business, and then we’ll explain how you can quickly and effectively add this platform to your other existing communication platforms to develop an omnichannel strategy for customer service. 

Quick delivery 

In terms of delivery, SMS service is rather speedy and effective, requiring just a few seconds to reach a large audience. It’s uncommon to provide a tailored message to an audience so quickly and efficiently.

Rapid outcomes 

You will be able to immediately see who received it, along with other analytical data such as who opened, read, and most importantly, who responded.


SMS is sent directly to every single customer, making it a particularly personal form of communication. Mobile phones are such intimate devices that responses are typically more rapid and personal. You may make it even better by sending this to each person as a unique message. They’ll surely be interested in this. 

Yes, you must also keep an email list current. Compared to their mobile phone number, prospective customers are far more likely to provide you their email address. This, however, demonstrates just how private most people think their phone number is.

Customers will probably respond to your messaging better if you have a phone number because they welcomed you in. 

Being economical 

SMS messaging is inexpensive, especially when purchased in quantity. In comparison to more traditional techniques like TV, radio, or print advertising, no other marketing strategy gives as affordable results.

Easy and simple 

SMS is becoming a frequently utilised communication method due to its accessibility and ease of usage. Text messages may be opened, read, and sent by anybody.

Text messages may be opened, read, and sent by anybody. Additionally, because messages are restricted to 160 characters, they are succinct, unambiguous, and direct. Who doesn’t like it when something is brief and sweet?

Worldwide marketing 

Text messages should be accessible to anybody having a mobile device that is reasonably modern and a cell phone service. As a consequence, you may quickly connect with millions of people whenever you want, from wherever.

SMS messaging is one of the few technologies that is universally synchronised amongst all of the worldwide mobile phone providers due to the projected up to 7 billion mobile phones in daily usage today.

Direct shipping 

In addition to face-to-face meetings and direct phone calls, SMS is one of the most direct forms of communication with customers. The other two can be difficult, expensive, and time-consuming, so it’s clear who the winner is.


Following audience segmentation, you may precisely target various clientele groups with various marketing messages. You may enhance your approach to boost sales by understanding what works and what doesn’t.


You may organise your campaign more quickly and send scheduled texts to target demographics rather than having to write unique messages for each recipient thanks to the possibility to schedule text messages. 

Afterward, you can utilize the extra time to manage the bulk of sales opportunities that will follow your SMS delivery very soon after you send it or to focus on other business-related duties.

Analytics and trackable 

The majority of providers give delivery reports, which are a wonderful way to examine the success of your SMS deliveries and determine how well your campaigns performed. SMS service may also be readily tracked. The following campaign can then benefit from the lessons you gained.


Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites and has a keen interest in Online Signals Report and Stock portfolio generator. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism. Read More: Fin Scientists >> Read More: Stocks Signals Mobile App >> Read More: Crypto Signals >> Read More: Crypto Trade Signals App >> Read More: Trade Signal Buy and Sell

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