6 Phases of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

Testing enables organisations to identify possible problems and solve them before they have an impact on consumers. It is possible that this is a very small programme, or it may be one that has a lot of users visiting it each day. In either scenario, quality assurance personnel need to inspect the software package to ensure that it has sufficient performance potential and is accountable.

In order to guarantee that an application will function as expected, many quality assurance experts adhere to well-established software testing lifecycle phases.

An Examination of the Needs and Preferences

During this phase of testing, the environments in which the code may execute are mapped out by the testers, and it is verified that users can access the application. They need to take into account any and all possible outcomes, both those that will occur right now and those that will take place in the future. When we’ve finished with this stage, we may go on to more specific planning.

The Organizing of the Exams

At this point, quality assurance specialists must acknowledge what is necessary to complete the check and achieve the goals. As an illustration of this, they need to take into consideration the following:

The following are the steps that must be taken in order to test an application that is currently being hosted on Kubernetes:

• whether it is necessary to check how the appliance scales and whether it is necessary to scale;

• how many people can use the device at the same time before it becomes unmanageable; and

•the amount of a variety of resources, such as the CPU and memory, that the appliance has before it has to scale out.

If all of those are necessary, then the testing for Kubernetes won’t be finished until all of those prerequisites have been met. The testers must plan for as many different testing scenarios as they can come up with.

Establishing Conditions for Testing

After quality assurance specialists have planned their evaluations and determined what they will be testing, they are obligated to validate the operational particulars of each test suit. In the event that it is essential to deploy an application to Kubernetes in order to test it, for instance, the testers may use a Kubernetes manifest and a few automation scripts in order to get the application up and running. Software testing organisations are equipped with the knowledge necessary to develop the most effective test cases imaginable.

The following is a list of the information that quality assurance specialists need to collect for the test suit development section:

• any code required for automated processes;

The location of the automation code storage and the individuals that require access to it

• who will be in charge of administering the exams; and

I jotted down some test cases.

Putting Together the Different Test Environments

At this point in the lifecycle of software testing, quality assurance specialists should determine the environments in which the tests may be executed. As an illustration, if testing is to be carried out on a Kubernetes cluster, the quality assurance department needs to implement one of the numerous options available to create such a cluster. These include a local computer connected to Minikube in your neighbourhood, the cloud, or an on-premises cluster at your business.

Out of these three options, the deployment of testing environments makes using a Kubernetes cloud service the most likely to result in the best and quickest outcome. The thinking behind this is that groups shouldn’t have to spend a significant amount of time establishing and administering the infrastructure that lies beneath them. The objective is to provide a testing environment that is as efficient as is practically possible while at the same time ensuring that the environment truly reflects how users may interact with the application.

The Carrying Out of the Exams

Access to the testing environment and the corresponding code should be shared among all quality assurance engineers. On the other hand, it is not in everyone’s best interest to apply for team members to any or all store codes on their local PCs. Instead, testers should put the code on GitHub and run the automation code through a CI/CD pipeline. GitHub is a cloud-based version control system. The entirety of the team will be able to read the code, comprehend how it operates, and view the results thanks to this method. To ensure that their tests are carried out in the most effective manner possible, businesses from all over the world search for the most reputable software testing organisations.

The Report on the Examination

Tests lose some of their value when they are not accompanied by reports. It is possible that stakeholders, vice presidents, and administrators may wish to see first-check reports in order to determine whether or not an application functions obviously.

In this portion focused on the company’s operations, management may evaluate how well the package works and then use that information to choose how to proceed. The management team is able to look for responses to questions such as the following:

Is the application going to be deployed to production?

Does the code require any modifications?

Is there a problem with the bugs?

In light of this, the report ought to have as many specifics as reasonably possible detailing the testing results.

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