What is the full form of ORS?

full form of ORS
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ORS, a commonly used term in medical and emergency situations, stands for “Oral Rehydration Solution.” This simple yet highly effective solution can help prevent dehydration and death due to diarrhea and other causes of fluid loss.

It is a liquid solution that contains a precise balance of salts, sugars, and other essential nutrients that help replace fluids lost due to diarrhea, vomiting, or other forms of dehydration. ORS has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a safe and effective way to manage dehydration caused by various diseases and conditions.

History of ORS

The use of ORS dates back to the 1960s when Dr. Dilip Mahalanabis, a pediatrician from Kolkata, India, discovered that a simple solution of salt, sugar, and water could be used to treat dehydration caused by cholera.

At that time, cholera was a major public health issue in many parts of the world, and it was responsible for causing widespread outbreaks and deaths. Dr. Mahalanabis conducted extensive research and clinical trials to show that ORS could not only prevent death due to dehydration but also reduce the need for hospitalization and intravenous (IV) fluids.

Benefits of ORS

ORS is a highly effective and low-cost solution that can help prevent dehydration and death due to diarrhea and other causes of fluid loss. Here are some of the key benefits of ORS:

  1. Rehydration: ORS contains a precise balance of salts, sugars, and other nutrients that help replace fluids lost due to diarrhea and other forms of dehydration. It can help rehydrate the body quickly and effectively.
  2. Easy to use: ORS is easy to use and can be administered at home or in the community by caregivers, parents, or health workers. It does not require any special equipment or expertise to prepare or administer.
  3. Safe and effective: ORS has been extensively researched and tested in clinical trials, and it has been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of dehydration caused by various diseases and conditions.
  4. Low-cost: ORS is a low-cost solution that is affordable and accessible to people in low-resource settings. It can help reduce the need for costly hospitalization and IV fluids.

Applications of ORS

ORS is recommended for the treatment of dehydration caused by various diseases and conditions, including:

  1. Diarrhea: ORS is a highly effective solution for the treatment of dehydration caused by diarrhea, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children under five years of age in many parts of the world.
  2. Cholera: ORS is the primary treatment for dehydration caused by cholera, which is an acute diarrheal disease that can cause severe dehydration and death if left untreated.
  3. Other infectious diseases: ORS can also be used to treat dehydration caused by other infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, dysentery, and rotavirus.
  4. Heatstroke: ORS can be used to treat dehydration caused by heatstroke, a medical emergency that can occur when the body’s temperature regulation system fails due to prolonged exposure to heat.
  5. Sports drinks: ORS can also be used as a sports drink to help athletes and active individuals stay hydrated during and after intense physical activity.


ORS is a simple yet highly effective solution that can help prevent dehydration and death due to diarrhea and other causes of fluid loss. Its full form is “Oral Rehydration Solution.” ORS was discovered in the 1960s by Dr. Dilip Mahalanabis and has since been recommended by doctors ever since.


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