Android App Development With Kotlin 2023

Android App Development With Kotlin 2023

Smartphone technology has developed a lot in recent years. The total number of mobile users is expected to reach a whopping 7690 million by 2027. Since the number is quite amusing and unbelievable, it has become imperative for most businesses to work on creating and deploying a mobile app that will resemble their business perfectly.

There are several technologies with which cash app mobile application can be developed. Out of this, Kotlin has become the new favorite of many development companies. Before you go with the trend of android app development with Kotlin, you must know why this new programming language has outshined others and emerged as the preferred one. The following article will describe how Kotlin will level up the android development process.

Table of Contents

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin has often been termed the alternative language for Java. It is considered a sophisticated version of the JVM with a more streamlined and concise programming language. It supports many in-built functions that will help developers code advanced programs for better use. Some of the most popular functions which can be integrated into the codebase by simple importing are lambdas, higher-order functions, inline functions, generics, closures, anonymous functions, and tail recursion.

Why is Kotlin used for android app development?

Since you are now aware of Kotlin, let’s learn why a mobile app development company usually prefers to use it for developing android applications. With this guide, it will become easier for the users to understand how Kotlin has outsmarted the Java language and emerged as the top-rated language.

Handling of null pointer errors

One of the main reasons to use Kotlin in place of the Java language is the built-in security features for handling null pointer errors. Although Java has this feature, developers need to include a throw and catch block to ensure the null pointer error doesn’t appear in the output console. But if we consider Kotlin, it doesn’t allow the value of any standard declared variable to be of the null value. For example, if you declare an as the string datatype and assign null to it in the programming codebase, it will immediately throw the compilation error.

It does support nullable values in special cases like storing the SQL query results. But for this, you need to include a question mark after the datatype while declaring the variable like var a: String. = “xyz”.


Coroutines are known as lightweight threads that are specifically reserved for Kotlin. You must import the coroutine package and then build the routine function with a delay method. Since this is a thread, the code snippet included within the launch keyword will be considered the main block of the coroutine thread.

Mature environment 

Unlike any other programming language framework, Kotlin has undergone many changes and alterations in the alpha and beta phases. Developers worked on this framework and tested their functions multiple times before launching the codes in the global server and making the language accessible to other dev teams. 

This is why you won’t find many environment glitches in Kotlin. It runs so smoothly on the JVA or Java Virtual Machine that program compilation and execution happen almost within minutes.

Seamless integration with Android Studio

Android app development with Kotlin has been made far easier with the seamless language integration with the Android Studio of version 3.0. Once the integration is established, you can easily work on building the code for the application, debug the issues, scale the functionalities according to your project requirements, and so on.

How to choose the best android development company using Kotlin?

You can refer to the following pointers if you want to hire the best company for android app development.

  1. First, you need to check if the chosen company is experienced in dealing with Kotlin or not.
  2. Check if the programmers and testers know the various dynamics of the programming language, its functions, and other built-in functions.
  3. You also need to check if the company is reputed in the market or not.


In this article, we have given you a brief about android app development with Kotlin and why you should choose it in 2023. Always hire the best web app development company to succeed in your development project.

Shafie SEO

SEO Blogger

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