Multiple Intelligence Theory Brain Is Combination Of Eight Principles

multiple intelligence

Looking at the world through the lens of multiple intelligences theory, there is more to how we learn than just our ability to memorize and reason with language. In this article, you’ll find out what each of these eight principles are and why they are important in learning.

What is Multiple Intelligence Theory?

Multiple intelligence theory (MIT) is the proposition that there are eight different types of intelligence, each of which is unique and important. These eight types of intelligence are intuition, logic, analysis, creativity, sensation, empathy, conscience and self-awareness.

Intelligence is not a single entity; it’s a combination of different abilities and skills. Scientists have been trying to pin down what makes someone intelligent for centuries, but no one has been able to come up with a single definition that fits everyone. MIT theory is based on the idea that there are eight different types of intelligence, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Each type of intelligence is important in its own way. Intuition helps us make sense of the world around us; logic helps us understand and solve problems; analysis helps us see relationships between things; creativity helps us come up with new ideas; sensation allows us to feel and experience things; empathy allows us to feel compassion for others; conscience allows us to be mindful of our own actions; and self-awareness allows us to know our own strengths and weaknesses.

Eight Principles of the Brain

  1. The brain is a combination of eight principles of intelligence.
  2. These principles are: attention, association, discrimination, comprehension, imagination, logic, memory and problem solving.
  3. All of these abilities depend on the proper functioning of the brain’s eight principles.
  4. Each principle is responsible for a different aspect of intelligence.
  5. The brain’s 8 principles work together to allow us to think and learn effectively.

How to Develop Your Intelligence

Multiple intelligence theory is a psychological theory that argues that humans are not just one type of intelligence, but possess a combination of eight different intelligences.

The theory was first proposed by Howard Gardner in his book “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences”. Gardner argued that there are eight different types of intelligence, which he called the “intelligences.” These are: linguistic, musical, spatial, logical-mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, naturalIST (or creative), and intrapersonal intelligences.

Gardner claimed that these eight types of intelligence are all equally important and necessary for human success. He argued that each type of intelligence can be used to achieve different goals and objectives in life. For example, someone who is good at spatial intelligence can use this skill to plan and organize their surroundings. Someone who is good at linguistic intelligence can use this skill to communicate with others.

There is evidence to support the theory of multiple intelligence. Numerous studies have shown that people who are good at various types of intelligence tend to do better in school and in career paths than those who are limited in one area of IQ. Additionally, people with high scores on tests measuring cognitive abilities often display skills related to multiple intelligences.

How to Improve Your Intelligence

There is no one right answer to how to improve your intelligence. However, if you want to maximize your cognitive potential, there are a few things you can do to maximize the efficiency of your brain.

According to multiple intelligence theory, there are eight different principles that contribute to overall intellectual ability. These principles include:

  1. Fluency: Being able to easily communicate information and ideas
  2. flexibility: Being able to change and adapt quickly in response to new information
  3. task switching: Being able to rapidly switch between tasks and perspectives
  4. mental agility: Having quick thinking skills and being able to come up with creative solutions
  5. knowledge acquisition: Accumulating and organizing knowledge effectively
  6. memory retrieval: Finding and recalling information quickly
  7. problem solving: Solving complex problems efficiently
  8. creativity: Generating new ideas


The multiple intelligence theory states that our brain is a combination of eight principles, or clusters. These clusters include the left hemisphere which is responsible for logic and reasoning, the right hemisphere which is responsible for creativity and intuition, the frontal lobe which governs executive function, the limbic system which controls emotions and behaviour, and the parietal lobe which helps us with spatial orientation. This theory has been around for over 70 years and some researchers believe that it may be one way to explain why different people have different strengths and weaknesses. So if you’re looking to boost your IQ or learn how to better manage your emotions, check out this multiple intelligence theory article!

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