5 Advantages Reflective Learning between Essays Can Have On Students

Self-reflection can make a student perform better
5 Essential Benefits of Self-Reflection Assignments In A Student’s Life
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A self-reflective paper is a brief assignment given to students allowing them to describe an experience and how it enabled them to grow. It is basically on personal experience and requires you to hone your critical thinking skills. It provides you with a platform to express your opinion regarding a specific topic.

A study of 2014 conducted by Harvard confirms that reflecting on one’s work improves performance. Reflection is an essential practice in several disciplines, and it continues to be an indispensable method for boosting writing skills in students.

It is believed that students completing a self-reflection paper can reap several benefits. It allows the students to learn and develop from their experiences. Also, a study by the Open University in 2020 shows that students can also build their skills with self-refection. Students who do not come across such self-reflection assignments often find it hard to write an impressive essay. To cover up the embarrassment, they reach out to experts for collegeessay help.

If you struggle to come up with remarkable content and wonder how self-reflection can help you, take a look to understand better.

Top 5 Merits Of Reflective Learning

Students can avail themselves of a lot of benefits from reflective practices while they are studying. This involves analyzing, improving knowledge assimilation and learning acquisition. Moreover, self-reflection is meant to develop an enhanced level of understanding of the topics and lessons. Here are some benefits that reflective learning strategies in lesson plans can bring to a student’s life.

Improved Performance:

Reflective learning practices can improve a student’s performance. This is because a student willb able to reflect on their class sessions that will allow them to determine and work on their weaknesses. This will enable them to refine the skills required for a specific topic. Here are some ways in which self-reflection can help you:

  • It allows you to develop metacognitive skills that act as an essential transversal life skill.
  • It enables you to obtain a deeper understanding of the concept, and it enhances your retention power to remember complex topics and frame solutions.
  • Using reflective practices enables you to improve your performance, and you can keep a reflective diary to note down fundamental formulas, theories and lessons.
  • These practices also empower you to determine your weaknesses and provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t.


Enhanced Engagement:

Dull classes are an absolute no-no for students. They detest it, which in turn can hamper their activity and engagement in class. When the lessons are not inspiring, students can use their reflective diaries to express their suggestions and ideas. Students are more likely to be participative and engaging to understand even a problematic concept if the session intrigues their interest. Moreover, accepting their feedback allows them to be welcomed and realize that they have a say in how they want to learn. Here is how you can boost a child’s engagement:

  • Develop a brainstorming session every once in a while, where the students will be able to share their ideas, contribute and raise queries.
  • Allow sessions that will bring out the creativity and innovation in a student on a particular niche they feel most interested in.
  • Create a flipped classroom setting and reverse the roles with your students to make the lessons enticing and engaging.
  • Use blended learning to give your students a flavour of theoretical and practical experiences to relate the concepts with real-life events.


Develop Coping And Critical Thinking Skills:

Self-reflection essays for students can enable them to improve their problem-solving skills and better face challenges. However, most students find it daunting when it comes to learning new subjects, lessons and concepts. Using this technique can actually allow them to comprehend the problems in their studying strategies and stimulate their analytical and cognitive thinking skills. Developing such skills will enable the students to understand and concentrate on their studies. Here is how you can improve your critical thinking skills:

  • Become more self-aware and understand your mental process.
  • Comprehend the situations and develop a foresight to comprehend all challenges and solve them.
  • Improve decision making and evaluate the validity of your argument finalizing its potential impact.
  • Evaluate your efficiency and quality and boost your comprehension skills both in reading and conversation.


Boost Motivation:

Motivation is the fuel for any classroom, and it is essential for students. If students lack motivation, they can encounter learning problems and exhibit poor academic performance. This can sometimes lead to erratic behaviour, and they can skip classes, miss school, be inattentive etc. For such students, reflective learning can offer them encouragement to face and overcome their fears and learning issues. Here is how reflective learning can boost student motivation:

  • It allows students to take control of their situation and encourages them to adopt an analytical approach.
  • It enables the teachers t to learn about the grey areas of the students, and they can build better relations with their students.
  • Students are able to better understand themselves about their behaviour patterns, limits and strengths.
  • Reflective learning foster a productive environment for learning, and students are more likely to perform well.


Increase Overall Effectiveness

Teachers strongly encourage students to form study groups as it makes the students effective, and they can build self-reflection and a part of their routine. Learning in groups allows the students to be comfortable in their own skins and share thoughts, information and interact freely with their peers. This boosts a controlled learning environment and improves the development of analytical and critical thinking skills. Here’s how reflective learning can increase overall effectiveness:

  • Reflective practices allow students to enhance their assimilation skills and recall capability.
  • It boosts their motivation levels while working in groups and improves critical thinking skills.
  • It makes group discussions much more engaging, appealing and rewarding.
  • It stimulates active investment and benefits students during the lessons.

Parting Thoughts

Reflective learning is an engaging practice both for teachers and students. It encourages the students to assume their responsibility and hold themselves accountable for their learning practices. Self-reflection empowers them and enables them to perform better, improving their memory and retention power. If you were wondering why your teachers gave you a self-reflection essay in between other essays, then look at the benefits mentioned above.

Niraj Kumar


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